The Bible is full of examples where God clearly lays out His heart for all mankind and how we turn from Him in our own foolishness and pride ... maybe it is because when we see God for who He is we like our ever present enemy, often with his prompting, think of ourselves as more than we ought or maybe better said as something we were not - as if we were equal with God. Many would turn away and in reality just turn to serve another, but for the Christian who would not so blatantly turn from God, there would be a clinging to self and what we felt was due to us or an injustice done to us. Seeing it in the lives of others, like when reading about others lives in the Bible is painful .... it's like I want to scream out and tell them to stop being so foolish, to warn them, to encourage them to persevere in doing what is right and trusting God .... how can they be so short of memory, don't they remember what God has already done for them? Don't they believe that He is for them and none can stand against Him? Are they really so prideful to think they can go their own way, are they really so shortsighted to think they can't rely on their loving Father who has shown His great love for them over and over? Then it hits me hard - I am just like them! And God is the same too ... an ever present help in times of trouble, full of loving compassion, Holy and Righteous and alone worthy of being worshipped and my obeidience, which is for His Glory and my good. But I fall, I put a borders up for how much I will trust God, some areas are wide open, others are limited, I couldn't see the end of the path, the outcome or maybe it didn't look like I wanted it to, so I wouldn't venture down it. I realised that was what God desires .... it wasn't walking by faith, it was trusting Him at His Word, if it was 90%, it wasn't what God wanted .... He wanted all of me, completely His. It meant letting go of myself completely ... dying to myself, submitting completely to my Father in Heaven and crucifying self that I may be raised to live again, not I but Christ living in me.
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