Monday, October 31, 2011

Certain Things

As I thought about what I would post this morning, reflecting on what I read this monring during my quiet time of the morning, spending time reading the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit as He spoke insight and wisdom, my heart felt peace and joy.

I started reading thru Lamentations and Hebrews, along with continuing in Psalm and Proverbs.  One truth that continues to wash over me is that so much of what we hold as certain and firm is not.  As I went to sleep last night, I was certain I would wake this morning ... obviously I did, but only by God's Grace.  Lamentations is a book that continues to speak of the sad state the Israelites found themselves in because of their sin - they had the glory of their great position, which was from God, taken and the safety they were sure of was no more.  It wasn't God's desire and scripture is filled with His repeated efforts to warn and turn their hearts back to Him, yet they continued growing in hardness of heart, trusting in their own strength and ignorance, even boasting that they would continue in their sin.

I often see the same today.  I have often seen it in myself.  Trusting in my own strength, going thru a day confident in my own ability or living in a sense of security that is not founded solely in the Grace of God.  That isn't where God wants me to be and it certainly isn't where He deserves my heart to be.  And thankfully, out of His compassion toward me, He has brought me back to where I need to be - certain only in Him.  For the mountains He made, as sturdy and strong as they may seem, will one day be flattened.  All that we could put our trust in here will be vanish and it can happen in an instant.  All that we are left with for security and certainty is Christ and what He has done for all by going to the Cross for our sin.  Tomorrow may not come and if it does, what I may hold securely in, with regards to my own strength, may be flipped on its head.  Only my trusting in Christ is without fail, for He is faithful, He will not fail - He is holding me and my inheritence in Him securely and my heart praises Him.  Whatever else may come, I have peace and confidence I will go thru it with and for Him.

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