This past Sunday I was going to a church I had visited the week before, but this morning I was walking there by myself rather than catching a ride with the family I went with last week. I sort of new where it was. I figured it was about a 30 minute walk so I grabbed my iPod to listen to some worship songs as I walked and prayed and off I went. My first prayer was that the Lord would lead me to find the church, unless He had different plans for me this morning.
As I walked I would occasionally check the time and all seemed to be going on track as I passed some familiar landmarks. Just at about the 30 minute mark in my walk the song Lead Me to the Cross, by Hillsong, came on. As I listened and sang the words worshipfully in my heart I didn't think about what was going on in the moment. I looked around and realized I had been walking further than I thought I should have so at the next light I crossed the street. I figured I would walk back to see if I had passed the church. Since the church is set back one block from the main road I was walking I figured I would walk up that street. As I conitnued to walk up the hill toward the back street the song continued to play and I continued to sing away .... lead me to the Cross and in that moment I realized I was indeed being lead to the Cross or really the church for at the top of the hill, on the corner I saw it. I just raised my hand in worship and blessed the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness to me .... He lead me right to where I wanted to be, both physically and in my spirit and all for His Glory.
If you don't know the song, here are the words .....
Savior I come
Quiet my soul, remember
Redemptions hill, where Your blood was spilled,for my ransom
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as lost
Lead me to the Cross, where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself, I belong to You
Oh lead me, lead me to the Cross
You were as I, tempted and tried, human
The Word became flesh, bore my sin and death
Now You're risen
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as lost
To Your heart (2x)
Lead me to Your heart (2x)
(Lead me to the Cross, Hillsong)
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as lost
Lead me to the Cross, where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
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