Friday, November 4, 2011

Wherever you may go .... Be Encouraged

Last night as I went to sleep I called out to my Father and asked Him to continue to deepen my desire for Him because I want to grow in knowing Him that I may worship Him more fully and enjoy the relationship of being his son which He made possible through the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit - I was given a new heart, redeemed and adopted as His son, given eternal life that is here and now and is ever secure in Him.

What I continually find amazing is that He knew my thoughts and the words I would call out to Him before I did and as I said them He was already answering my heart's cry, as He said He would do in Isaiah 65:24.  This morning when I woke to spend some time reading from the Bible and prayer I found my Father had lined up much encouragement for me to remind me that I am His, He is my perfect sanctuary and shelter, He is my strength and He is my sustainer.  All He asks is for the affections of my heart, that they be turned toward Him .... His promises are sure, the hope I have in Him is firm because He is faithful and able to do what He has said.  It was my choice to spend time with Him that I might receive what He had for me and I am glad I chose to do so.  And I'd be remiss if I didn't take the opportunity to gently encourage you to do the same ... you don't want to miss out on what He has for you!

The first scripture I came across was Psalm 139 - in the first 3 verses God reminded me that He knows me and is acquainted with all my ways.  Then I was in Ezekiel again and in chapter 11, verses 16-20, I was comforted by the truth that He is my sanctuary, He is the restorer of my soul and He has given me a new heart - not of stone, but one that is of flesh .... that I may have a desire for Him.  He has done this and continues to cover me out of His love for me, not because I did anything to deserve His affections toward me.  Only out of His Grace!

And then I was back into more from the book of Psalms - chapter 105, verses 16-36 this time.  In reading thru I was reminded of all that God did for Joseph, no matter where he went, God was with Him.  Through His blessing of Joseph He also provided for His people, even though He knew their hearts would turn from Him again and again.  But He was faithful and continued to make a way for them to return to Him.  I was reminded of His continued mercy and compassion, which is available this day to all who would receive it by turning to Him.  His heart is still full of desire to redeem the lost, to restore the broken and to uplift the downhearted.  Our Father's heart is overflowing with love for all who would respond to Him, to His love that is evident in His Son Jesus Christ, by putting their faith in Chirst alone - He is the hope and salvation for entire world, He is my Savior, my Redeemer and my Lord.

And to top off my morning, not that spending time in God's Word needs any topping off, but in the way God just continues to lavish His Grace upon us so that it is overflowing, I came across a post on By Grace Alone that talked to what it looks like to desire God.  It's not that we are perfect, but it is that we are ever moving toward Him, growing in out understanding of who He is and His love for us.  This knowledge and understanding is that which increases our desire for Him and increases our disdain for sin and unrighteousness.  It was kind of a way of hearing and confirming that God heard me.  He wanted to remind me again, as He often does over and over, to continue to pursue Him - seek Him first, then I will bear the fruit and my desire will continue to grow.

Yes, last night I cried out for a deepening desire for my God.  I remember now that I heard a soft gentle answer .... "Seek me and you will have it".  I recall softly answering back yes and then went to sleep.  How good is our God?  Beyond compare!  My heart is full with love for Him and it is growing even more so this morning.  Thank You Father for hearing my prayer and moving to answer me before I finished uttering the words, thank you for loving me and encouraging me this morning.

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