Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tasting the Goodnes of God

I spent this past Sunday celebrating God's goodness with about eighty fellow Christians down by the river, or probably better said up by the river.  The church I have been going to on Sunday nights was headed to the mountains where there is a beautiful river flowing and 16 people were going to be baptized.

I was excited to have the opportunity to join, expectant for God's presence to shower the time with His Grace and filled with joy for those being baptized and grateful for the opportunity to celebrate with them.  The day was filled with fellowship, worship and ministering from the hand of God.

There is something that is just awesome about witnessing another person making a public profession of their faith in Christ and watching them demonstrate it by being baptized.  My heart is filled with joy each time I see it.  But this day was that and more.  The members of the church demonstrate the closeness that we are called into as children of God.  The location was incredibly beautiful, reminding me of how awesome God is in power, in creativity and in His favor to share His beauty with us.  

Everywhere I turned I was being delighted with His handiwork.  The beautiful river with cascading falls, the tall pines that reminded me of how we are to be as we are planted and thriving from the river flowing with Living Water, healthy and secure, strong and towering and giving shade because we are drawing from Christ and His Spirit is in us.  And there were the green pastures by the river where a banquet was laid out.  And of course there was the still water pool where the baptisms would take place.  Such beauty!  But the real beauty of the day was seeing the hearts of lost sinners turned to God and the proclamation of their faith in Christ who died for them, their professing that they have likewise been buried with Him, died to sin and been raised with Christ, their savior.

After a time of worship and the baptisms we all gathered around and shared in the breaking of bread and tortillas and plenty of tasty mexican offerings for our comida, but what I enjoyed feasting on the most was the goodness of God and I was filled to the full.  Thank You God for Your Goodness and that You do not leave those that seek You hungry, You supply Your Grace in measures that are continually overflowing our cups!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Things Are Not What They Seem, but They are and Will Be as The Lord Said

Friday I made an entry titled Do You Think You Can Tell that stemmed from a line from the Pink Floyd song titled Wish You Were Here (on the album of the same title.)  The song had been running thru my head despite the fact that I hadn't heard the song in ages (or as I think I put in my entry, many mucho years ... probably a good enough translation.)  But nonetheless it was stuck in my head until I got the blog entry posted.  Or so I thought.

I went the rest of the day without hearing the song and a good bit of the nite too.  And then, out of the blue, while I was out for dinner with some friends ... Yep!  First the, by now, familiar intro, which I sort of dismissed thinking that the tune was just creeping back into my head and hoping if I ignored it the song would not get stuck there again.  But then I realized I was actually hearing the song in the restaurant.

Now I was just sitting there thinking how bizaar (and truthfully starting to sing along and taking a stab at playing away on the table.)  Then I started thinking more about it.  I hardly ever go out to eat at a real sit down restaurant for dinner .... the food, while inexpensive, costs a good bit more than I can get on the street or have at friends places and the food is just as good if not better.  But I was here for a reason and the song, I figured, was playing for a reason as well.  Having blogged about it earlier that day my thoughts about the line in the song were fresh as were my thoughts of my friends that are in need of coming to grips with what future awaits them apart from the Lord.  So as things sorta came a little clearer I let the song drift off into the background and leaned into the table to excitedly tell my friends about my experience hearing the song, writing about it and the line in and let the conversation begin.

So sometimes it seems things are not what they seem, we know something is happening, but can't tell what or why and then all of a suddens it becomes crystal clear that indeed things are just as they seem, just as the Lord said they would be!  Just for fun, I thought I'd check to see if there were any Pink Floyd songs along this line .... a quick Google search and found it's called Sheep.  Interesting, but no .... this isn't a blog about Pink Floyd it's about God and His Amazing Grace, how it's being poured into my life and my desire to let it flow through me.

And I went all day Saturday without hearing the song in my head and didn't even think of the lyrics as I wrote this entry.  I'm not trashing the band or the song - though I'm not fan, I like some of the songs .... guess they remind me of when I was young???? I just don't want them stuck in my head.  I'm fine with getting some good praise and worship ballads stuck up there, maybe I will dial up some Chris Tomlin or Third Day or SCC or .... I better stop, the list is pretty long for me.

And with that know I will pray that you would be open to seeing the Lord working in and thru you and in when something just doesn't seem to be as it should, you would be quick to turn to Him, tell Him you trust Him and let Him lead you on the great adventure He has planned for you (quick reference to SCC, The Great Adventure .... Saddle Up Your Horses, We've Got a Trail to Blaze!)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Run to Him

The father in the parable of the prodigal son is about as clear of an image I can think of (though I can think of many more instances from the Bible and own personal experiences) that demonstrates God's desire toward the lost.  He is anxious to come and receive His lost son.  Check out verse 20, the father actually starts off running toward the son while the son was off in the distance!

Many are wanting to turn to God, but are filled with fear or lies about how they will be, if at all, received.  Many have an angst or a tugging (the work of the Holy Spirit) on their heart to turn to Him, to listen and turn from sin and obediently follow Him, but they are afraid they will not succeed in walking away from sin or in the endeavor that the Lord wants to lead them in - a losing of self that they may live.  In all truth, they won't be able to, that is they won't apart from Christ.  See that is the part of truth that the father of lies takes hold of and tries to magnify.  He will draw attention to the first part of the truth that we can do nothing apart from Christ.  But Christ promised otherwise!

Christ, in John 15:4, plainly lays out that He is our source of bearing fruit.  It is thru Him, the Vine that the branches are nourished and thrive.  And we are in Him because He has made it possible to be grafted into Him.  Christ has taken the punishment for all that would separate us from the Father and for all who come to Him for salvation, acknowledging their need for His perfect sacrifice, turning to Him from their sin, they will be received.

Why would one with this tugging on their heart not run to Him?  The only reason I have to offer is that they are still holding onto a false hope or believing a lie of who they are or who God is.  Do they think they are capable in their own strength - I think they know otherwise, deep down they know they are not.  Are they hearing they will be judged unworthy - I pray they hear they are indeed unworthy, but further they hear that God has already dealt out the justice due and it was dealt upon Christ at Calvary!

God is a God of Mercy and Grace, His perfect love for you will cast out all fear if you turn to Him.  Check out the following verses for a quick glimpse Micah 7:18, Romans 3:23-25,  2 Corinthians 5:21 and Romans 10:9-10.  His love is for all, as the last passage in Romans says, who put their trust in Christ!  The well known verse of John 3:16 doesn't say For God so loved "some" of the world ... He so loved ALL of the world, including you and me, that He sent Christ to die for our sins that we may have forgiveness and eternal life, be redeemed and restored unto the who we were created to be, His children.

I don't know where any readers are at, I only where I was and where I am now.  Christ has won the battle for me and proven over and over His faithfulness and my Father's affection toward me.  I have struggled with, and may again, though I pray not, who I am in my Father's eyes and His Grace toward me has abounded more and more.  I am nothing without Christ, but with Him and because of Him I am a child of God and that will never change.  I will surely walk thru days ahead that will have trials and there will be times of mourning as I have had in the past, but I am confident of my future because of whom I have believed in.  I will, if I focus on walking with my Savior, walk with joy and with purpose and if I notice I am far off from Him I will purpose  to run to Him and am sure to find He is running toward me.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Do You Think You Can Tell ....

And the song continues .... Heaven from Hell?  Do you think you can tell heaven from hell?  I am pretty confident that I could answer yes, but hold out 100% certainty for risk of being too confident and not on guard enough, lest I be deceived by something false.

I am not sure exactly where the thought for this post came from, but the line above comes from a Pink Floyd song, Wish You Were Here.  I guess the other day it sorta popped into my head which is strange since I haven't heard it for many mucho many years .... maybe it was that I was playing, or at least trying to play, Hotel California by the Eagles on a borrowed guitar and it had a line it about heaven and hell, and an similar thought questioning the ability to tell the difference.  Nonetheless, here I write about heaven and hell.  

Both are realities and they couldn't be farther apart - one bringing an eternity of sadness and pain and the other bringing an eternity filled with joy, hope fulfilled and absent of tears, pain and suffering.  I think both can be experienced here on earth, but far short of what they are really like.  I also think many are confused about what they look like and are seeking their own versions, trying to shape truth to placate themselves.  And the enemy of our souls is quick to jump in and help with the twisting of truth, attempting to convince that the present and future should be filled with blessings that are deserved or justifiably ours. The truth is we, I, don't deserve what God freely, out of love, offers - a future, filled with hope and a home in heaven, to be with Him forever.  Part of me wants to delve into what I am looking forward to, but I know better .... it will be far too long of a post and come up way too short of how wonderful it will be so I will stop at only saying it will be far greater than we can comprehend.  

As I mentioned above, I do think we can experience some of what it will be like ... for instance when I give myself over to caring for others above my own needs or when I am lost in worshiping our Great and Mighty God, I experience a joy that is unexplainable.  I experience love that goes beyond myself.  I also think we can get lost in the sadness and pain here in this sin stained world and experience a taste of hell and in reality we all have apart from Christ, just many are fighting the truth of the matter.  I hope and pray that this brokeness, this poverty in spirit was or will be used by God to lead you to Him.  The truth is that apart from turning to Christ and the hope He has secured , a person is left with only two sad choices.  First is to focus on the drowning pain being experienced and the other is to seek a substitute for the pain, offered by the world and the Father of lies, which only takes one further away from the love their Creator desires to lavish upon them.  

I believe I can tell a difference, but pray I will always be found looking to and following the Word of God and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead me in Truth.  And so I sing as the song goes, How I Wish, How I Wish You Were Here .... in a sense of I wish the Lord was returning to bring us home now, but until He does I will sing How I am glad, How I am glad Lord, that You  are here, here with me now and forever with me.

How about you?  Do you think you can tell?  If not try crying out to you Father in heaven who loves you with and unending love, He is waiting to lavish His Grace upon you.  Call out to Him and ask Him to show you great and unsearchable things, His love is truly beyond comprehension, but it is nonetheless oh so real and it is unmistakeably discernable when seen in the light that is the Light of Truth.  If you're not signing the lines I've written, I pray you would seek Him - He is waiting with an open invitation for you to approach His throne of grace and if you are singing with me, the invitation is, of course, open for you to approach the throne as well, with thanksgiving in your heart and on your lips.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Telling of Things Past and Things to Come

The first sentence in Daniel 7:28 sums it up so well for me .... this is the end of the matter.  God's Word says it and it is so.  This morning, as I read thru chapter 7 of Daniel, a book I've read and studied several times, I found myself filled with wonder at the simplicity of these words.

The preceding verses tell of the vision that, rightly so, greatly troubled Daniel.  As I read thru the chapter I too was greatly troubled in my heart, but also greatly comforted knowing that my trust is in the One who has already defeated the enemy.  Christ is my Victorious Warrior who has secured my salvation.  There are battles yet to be fought, but I am confident beacuase my trust is in Christ alone, in what He has accomplished and what He has yet to do.  I am anxious for His return and the final blow He will bring to the one that continues to seek to bring pain and destrusction yet can not steal away those Christ has secured .... I desire that Christ not tarry a moment more, eagerly awaiting His return, yet I trust His perfect timing.

When it comes to His returning I can only fall back to my thoughts and ways are not like His.  Mine are so much lower, so oft filled with myself.  As I type about His returning I find myself pondering how He can be so patient and then I move on to ponder His Grace - how can it be?  Yet He is patient and His Grace is all that and so much more.  His love is so great, His desire that not one of the sheep He is shepherding be lost, He will wait for the perfect moment to come charging back for the completion of what has already been secured and not a moment sooner.

Until then I will purpose to go and do where and what He leads me and know there is a purpose in the waiting.  It is not just idle time nor are the trials bringing useless struggle and the pain, brought forth because of a world stained by sin, is actively being redeemed as the Redeemer is at work bringing into completion all that has been and will be for His Glory.  And that is the ultimate end of the matter.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Several days back I posted about the work of Grace bringing forth fruit.  The other day I wrote about being diligent in adding to our faith - moving forward and growing in our relationship with the Lord and those He loves (that's pretty much all the people in the world, according to what God says in John 3:16).

Today's post is a simple, short but sweet reminder to be looking for signs of Grace at work in our lives.  As Titus 2:12 states, the Grace of God teaches us, compells us and strengthens us to live upright and godly lives that are pleasing to our Father.

When I find myself lacking, I know where to turn.  May I be ever so quick to run to my Father's throne, with confidence to find the mercy and grace He is desiring to lavish upon me.  And may I be quick to encourage others to do the same.  God's Grace is all that the song Amazing Grace speaks of and so much more.  It's not earned, it's not deserved, but it is ours!  So let's soak it up and let it flow through our lives this day all the while remembering Christ came so that we may receive it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Moving Forward in Confidence and Victory

Today's post stems from what God has been impressing on my heart over the past week (and in reality for a much longer time, over and over again).  It is basically 3 points to remember in my walk with Him.  First, press on - be about moving forward, second is to be encouraging others to do the same and lastly to remember it isn't in my own strength.

God has been using Philippians 3 and 2 Peter 1 as sort of a 1-2 punch this past week, not to knock me down, but to keep my attention and strengthen my walk.  Maybe I was trying to avoid acknowledging or trying to walk in my own strength  and confidence, thinking it wouldn't be a big deal, but I found this past week was difficult for me.  Thursday was Thanksgiving, and though I have much to be thankful for, I was also alone in a foreign land.  Yes I was with friends - some locals and other ex pats and tourists, but alone, having left behind much to be here.  Maybe, looking back likely, it was an unseen yet experienced battle - an attack prompted by the enemy of my soul, in an attempt to take away my confidence and joy in Christ.  Fooey on him, for my God is Greater all I needed to do was turn to Him.

In Philippians 3 I was reminded that what I had before apart from Christ is worthless.  Anything that would keep me from Him is rubbish.  I desire, like Paul penned, to forget what lay behind and on press on toward that which Christ took hold of me for.  And that led me to 2 Peter, or I should say prepared me for 2 Peter.

I have been meeting with a group every morning for a Bible study in a local park - it's in Spanish, but God has been good and given me understanding while also using it to help me learn the language.  This past week we delved into 2 Peter 1 and spent two days focusing on moving forward with diligence, adding to our faith .... growing.  The purpose?  That we would not stumble and we would be productive and effective in our walk.  Verse 9 calls out one thing we should not forget about our past ..... we sinned against God, but further we should not forget that all who have placed their trust in Christ and sought forgiveness of our sins have been forgiven!  This incredible truth, the very Grace of God, is to compell us forward.   Continuing on in verses 12-15 I was greatly encouraged to press on in encouraging others in their walk .... while I have breath, may I be about praising our Great God, sharing His love and encouraging my brothers and sisters in Christ to walk ever more closely with Him.

And lastly God reminded me that it isn't in my strength, for in it I will surely fail.  But in Him I am more than a conqueror.  Where I am lacking in adding to my faith all I need to do is to pray and ask for Him to help me - that I may see the reality of that which He has already done for me, what He has already given to me and secured for me ... that I may participate in the divine nature He has set in me.  He has rescued me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into the kingdom of His Son, may I ever walk in the Light that He has brought me into to and may my weakness and humbleness be used to bring Him Glory.

My prayer for you - may you be looking to Christ, looking forward to what He has for You, adding to your faith - building upon in more and more daily, that you be encouraged and encouraging to others and always relying on Him who has saved you and know that He is your strength - your strong tower or righteousness.  He has given us His very great and precious promises .... and He is faithful and abel to bring them to be.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lead Me to the Cross

This past Sunday I was going to a church I had visited the week before, but this morning I was walking there by myself rather than catching a ride with the family I went with last week.  I sort of new where it was.  I figured it was about a 30 minute walk so I grabbed my iPod to listen to some worship songs as I walked and prayed and off I went.  My first prayer was that the Lord would lead me to find the church, unless He had different plans for me this morning.

As I walked I would occasionally check the time and all seemed to be going on track as I passed some familiar landmarks.  Just at about the 30 minute mark in my walk the song Lead Me to the Cross, by Hillsong, came on.  As I listened and sang the words worshipfully in my heart I didn't think about what was going on in the moment.  I looked around and realized I had been walking further than I thought I should have so at the next light I crossed the street. I figured I would walk back to see if I had passed the church.  Since the church is set back one block from the main road I was walking I figured I would walk up that street.  As I conitnued to walk up the hill toward the back street the song continued to play and I continued to sing away .... lead me to the Cross and in that moment I realized I was indeed being lead to the Cross or really the church for at the top of the hill, on the corner I saw it. I just raised my hand in worship and blessed the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness to me .... He lead me right to where I wanted to be, both physically and in my spirit and all for His Glory.

If you don't know the song, here are the words .....
Savior I come
Quiet my soul, remember
Redemptions hill, where Your blood was spilled,for my ransom
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as lost

Lead me to the Cross, where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself, I belong to You
Oh lead me, lead me to the Cross

You were as I, tempted and tried, human
The Word became flesh, bore my sin and death
Now You're risen
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as lost


To Your heart (2x)
Lead me to Your heart (2x)

(Lead me to the Cross, Hillsong)
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as lost

Lead me to the Cross, where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees

Friday, November 18, 2011

From Dry Bones

I wrote the other day about how the Lord blesses those who fear Him, with a holy fear.  I qualified the fear because I sometimes struggle with the concept of fearing God as He is Love and His perfect love casts out fear.  When I struggle with something like this it is best to turn to Him and ask for insight and understanding, that He would thru the Holy Spirit clarify it.  I believe I have a right understanding - God is to be feared, He is awesome, all powerful and deserving of my complete and total respect - a holy fear, but He isn't looking for His beloved to tremble at His presence, though His very presence, absent His great mercy I would be found trembling.

This morning my understanding was deepened a little more as I spent time reading in Ezekiel.  The passage was Ezekiel 37 and tells of a place called The Valley of Dry Bones and how the Lord instructed Ezekiel to preach life to the bones, life that comes through God alone.  And as I read the passage I thought about what that place would look like and how the image of bones coming back to life reminded me of some type of horror movie with bones coming back to life to illicit fealings of fear.  This scene differed as it was because of the hand of the Lord and His incredible mercy - to me it brought a different type of fear, a reverent fear of seeing God at work - being awe struck and amazed, filled with praise and worship for I was being given a glimpse of who He is.  The bones, which would be drawn together and given tendons and flesh and ultimately breath would be alive to praise and give thanks to God, the One who has the mighty power to give and take life, to crush and to protect.  It is His awesomenes that should cause one to tremble and His kindness and compassion, His perfect love which casts out fear and leaves a heart grateful and filled with praise.

Much more is to be learned from this passage - how we are like dry bones, dead and full of the stench of decay apart from God.  Walking in sin brings death, but turning from it to Christ  we find life, healing and restoration.  It is also evident that the dry bones cannot save themselves - it is only thru God that they are restored to life.  It also important to note that God used Ezekiel to proclaim His life giving words, though He could have brought the bones to life in an instant without Ezekiel.  God led Ezekiel to the bones, gave Him the words to say and Ezekiel acted in faith and was encouraged and strengthened by what He saw and in reading his experience I am too.

But this morning I am mostly encouraged by God's faithfulness to me, it is new every morning.  There is not a day that will come when He will not be faithful toward me or you.  We are drawn by His love and we find Him waiting to pour out His blessings to strengthen an invitation to follow Him as He leads, allowing us the awesome privelage to participate in all that He has planned for us in this day.  And my prayer is that I would not be found to be like the wicked, fleeing in fear though no one pursues me, instead that I would be found to be moving forward with the Lord, as bold as a lion for He is with me and I am with Him.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Simple Power Packed Prayer for You

The Lord will bless those that fear Him, Psalm 115:13-15 so I pray ....

Lord, You alone are to be feared - revered because of Your Holiness, Your Righteousness and Your Justice.  I will walk in fear, honoring You alone, not because of the blessings You have in store for me, though they are richly poured out thru Your graciousness and compassion, but because of who You are .... there is none like You, none above You, none that comes close to being like You .... You alone are worthy of my praise and worship, which I desire to give to You.  Thank You for saving me, for drawing me to You and strengthing me and for the protection I have in You for this day and the security I have, my hope which is sure, for this day and throughout all eternity .... thank You for redeeming me as Your's.

And my prayer for all who would read this is that You would cause them to flourish, them and their families, the small and great alike, and may they be blessed by You, the Maker of heaven and earth.  For all who know You, may they follow You closely, attentive and responsive to Your Spirit's leading ... may they walk in a holy fear - a reverance of You for who You are.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fructifying Grace

Ok, so if anyone reads a couple of my posts you might be quick enough to get I am living in Mexico and learning to hables espanol, along with finding many opportunities to share the grace of God and love He has shown me by serving others in His name.  One of my challenges I have in learning spanish is that I often speak and mostly write in english, I think in english.  I am working on trying to communicate and think more in spanish, but right now it is mostly in class or when I need to in order to communicate (which also serves to be entertaining for others, if not too frustrating.)  I am also working to build my vocabulary.  I wasn't expecitng to build my english vocabulary while here, but the other day that is just what happened.

I came across a post on another blog, Fire and Hammer, which introduced me to the word "fructifying".  The post is a worthy read of a Charles Spurgeon devotional on Isaiah 44:3 - the post can be read on Tim's blog by clicking here.  In the devotional, Spurgeon talks of how God's promise in Isaiah 44:3, that He will pour out water on those who are thirsty - thirsty for His righteousness, brings forth life - it enables the promise of fructification, the bearing of fruit.  The word fructifiying is used to describe the power of Grace to bring forth fruit.  And it isn't just a little effort put forth by God to start the process of bearing fruit ... Spurgeon closes the devotional saying that you shall be like a dry field that is flooded, drenched with the power of God's Grace at work - the dry land shall be springs of water.

Wow.  I was given a new word that day and furthermore I was given deeper insight into the power of God's Word and His love for me.  This new word, which is a pretty cool word in and of itself, reminded me of my dependency on God - it is through His Grace that I am watered and live a life that brings forth fruit - apart from Him I can do nothing.  It reminded me that He is at the beginning of the process, in the middle and at the end - I am just one receiving His Grace that goes to work in me to enable the process.  And over the next few days God continued to remind me that He was ready to pour forth water on me by continuing to bring my attention to fructification which reminded me that He is the source.  On a walk in the mountains I saw incredible vegetation in various stages of fructification - one amazing one (I will add a picture later) had an amazing fruit, similar to a pineapple, growing on the top side of the tree's branch, right in the middle of anotherwise lifeless branch.

Another day I came across a passage in Numbers, chapter 17, that talks about how God brought forth fruit on Aaron's staff - it was a dead piece of wood which budded, sprang forth leaves, flowers and bore fruit .... fresh ripe almonds.  It was dead wood!  It had been dead for a while and was dead when it was put in a box, shut away from light and water, but not shut away from the power of God.  Did I mention the wood was dead?  Hmmmm, kinda like me without Christ ..... dead, useless excpet for mayby throwing in the fire.

And if that wasn't enough, the next day I happened upon a short thin tree stump, one that had been fully pruned back so that it looked like it was just a dead branch stuck in the ground .... except for one small green sprouting branch with two leaves on it.  Now I'm not saying that tree was dead, but it sure looked it and I don't have any problem saying God was at work in me coming upon it and His Spirit drawing my attention to what He wanted me to recall.  He wanted me to recall that He is the One that gives life, He can and does prune the dead useless parts away, He restores and revives that which will still be used for His Glory and our good and He provides abundantly to meet our needs to be sustained and to grow, bearing fruit thru His fructifying grace.

I will remain in Him and cry out for more of the Living Water to fill me and may He receive the Glory and Praise .... my prayer for you is that you too would know His Grace and be fructified by it as well.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Holy and Awesome is His Name

And yet He waits to be gracious to me, He looks for opportunities to pour out His mercies and to strengthen me.  I am continually amazed and most of the time truly confounded at how greatly He loves me.  His love is never ending - it endures and conquers, it brings healing and delivers peace and safety, it seeks and saves the lost.

I am so undeserving of His love.  At times it brings me great sadness - when I stop to to think about it.  How can I begin to accept His love knowing I am so undeserving, but that doesn't stop Him from pursuing me and drawing me into the sanctuary of His love, comforting and encouraging me.  My heart is strengthened with the truth of who I am in my Father's eyes.  The reality of His love for me, demonstrated in Christ dying for me when I was against Him in my sin changes my sorrow to joy.

It is a balance act for me - something God is still working in and on in my life ..... keeping a healthy humble perspective of how lost I would be without Christ, my weakness apart from Him, and walking in the truth that I am greatly loved and valued by Him and that He sees Christ's righteousness in me, not the sin that He cleansed me of.  The struggle is to let go of who I was while holding onto how unworthy I was to be saved.   I am called to live with a thankful heart for I am blessed, richly blessed in Christ and to walk in freedom.  I say it is a struggle because the enemy of my soul would have me only focus on the past failures and try and deceive me into thinking my unworthyiness apart from Christ is who I am .... what a weak attack, but it has great power without focussing on Christ.  There is a purpose in sorrow - there is a time for it.  Sorrow over my past sin can work mightily to bring clarity and sharpen my focus on what Christ has done for me.  But for one who's sorrow leads to repentence and praise sorrow will not remain.

I will praise Him ever more and trust in Him for the strength, wisdom and understanding to walk in a manner worthy of who He has called and redeemed me to be ... with a heart filled with thanksgiving, I will proclaim how Holy and Awesome He is, and I will live with my all, all for His glory.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fue Cristiano - no possible

Since I have been in Mexico I have had the blessing of meeting many intersting people - locals and travellers alike.  I try to view each encounter as it really is, a divine appointment and an opportunity to proclaim God's glory and share the hope I have in Christ.  With some it is a quick encounter and may be nothing more than sharing Christ's love with a smile and an encouraging word ... and with my lacking profiency in spanish, the smile is often a safer bet.  With others I have had the opportunity to build relationships and go deeper in our conversations about who God is and His love and talk about where the other is person is at.  Getting to go deeper has really been a blessing and an encouragement to me.

Today's post is a follow up to yesterday's and is about a recent conversation I had with one of my new acquaintences, Art.  Art is a fellow volunteer at one of the organizations I have been working with since I got settled in.  After putting in a days work we decided to go grab some dinner.  As we walked we talked about different topics and before long the conversstion turned to religion and my faith.  Over dinner I shared more and we went deeper into what Art believes in or more specifically what he doesn't believe in as he is an athiest.  The conversation was a really good one and an encouragement to me as I look forward to more such conversations with him in the days ahead.  

Now the reason today's post ties into yesterday's is because of a comment Art made.  He said he was a Christian in the past - he tried it, said he believed for a while, but then decided it wasn't for real and moved on to a different way of thinking to feel "good" about himself and life.  In yesterday's post I commented about the structure of the statement "I am a Christian" in Spanish ... Soy Cristiano.  Specifically I commented on how this sentence was sturctured with the use of the verb Ser because the statement is using the verb "to be" in a permanent sense.  And if the present tense of this statement uses Ser then it isn't possible to have been a Christian and no longer be a Christian.  I am not getting into once saved always saved ... although I think scripture indicates that if one is saved, they are saved period ... there may be a continued struggle with sin, but there is also the fact that all that are in His hands will always be .. Christ will not lose one that has been saved, ok so I kinda got into it.

What I am saying is that if one is truly saved and is a Christian, they will not find themselves walking away from faith and saying been there, done that, "didn't work for me."  I am not able to say where Art is at, God is the only one who can judge his heart, but I can say a couple possiblities exist.  First, Art did believe and trust in Christ for his salvation and has been led astray by the one who seeks to deceive and destroy - one day he will be led back.  Another possibility is that a seed was platned, but hasn't taken root as of yet or maybe a seed  was planted and it has been choked out .... I can only hope and pray that it will one day take root and I will continue as if it will take root by continiuing to share the truth with Art.  The last option is that his profession in the past was not sincere and nothing was recieved ... I think this is the least likely, but a possibility.

Again, mine isn't to judge only to be available to be used by God in whatever way He sees fit to use me and in the process enjoy the blessings He pours forth.  And I will rest in the fact that Soy Cristiano, in pasado (past), presente (present) y futuro (and the future).

Monday, November 7, 2011

Soy Cristiano

Moving to live in Mexico has been an incredible experience - at the top of the list is that it has sharpened my understanding of my daily dependence on God and that is a platform that He uses to display His loving kindness in the daily provisions and blessing He pours out.  Yes, the more we recognize our need for Him in our life and turn to Him, the more we are encouraged to find His faithfulness in meeting our every need and so much more.  The inverse is true .... the more we try to go it alone, the more we miss out on seeing the loving hand of God that is opened toward us, full of blessings.

I have also had the opportunity to see the beauty of this country that I never new of - from the sea to the mountains and most of all the people and the local culture that is filled with colorful richness.  And I have only been here for a little over 5 months, just barely getting into the swing of things.  Part of my effort to get into the swing of things was to start taking spanish lessons.  I didn't start until about 2 months back, but am leaning into it now and increasing cada dia (each day.)  One of my personal favorites that I have learned to say is the title of this blog - a net sentence affirming that I am a Christian, Soy Cristiano!

The first word is a form of SER, on of two verbs that means to be.  Ser describes the state of being which is permanent while the other verb, Estar, describes temporay or transitional.  I think I got that second part correct - kind of like I am (ser) a human being versus I am (estar) in my house .... the latter can change, the former won't.  So when I say I am a Christian in Spanish I use ser .... Soy Cristano.  It won't change, I am forever Christ's for He has saved me by His grace, through the faith He gave me - the faith I have in Him, His death on the Cross to cover the penalty for my sin which separated me from God and His life as my Lord.  

There are many other phrases and sentences me gusto mucho (I like a lot), but when I utter the words Soy Cristiano, I am reminded immediately that I am Christ's, He has an unshakeable hold on me, He is ever for me and therefore none can be against me and my hope and salvation is secure in Him.  With that I give praise and thanks.  I pray you too have the same confidence and joy, in whatever language you use to proclaim it.  Dios Te Bendiga .... God Bless!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My desire to stand out

To be alive, filled with life, is to be about growth.  Growing means changing.  It can be viewed as positive or negative, but there is something happening - change is occuring.  Some people are living to die, others are dying to live and we are all growing older each day we live.

As I thought about my post for this morning I was reflecting on what I read during my quiet time, continuing thru Ezekiel and Hebrews.  My atttention was caught as I read Ezekiel 14:14, God saying that the righteousness of Noah, Daniel and Job wouldn't be enough to save others from God's wrath.  That's a pretty healthy group of fellows that would definitely be at the top of my short list if I were building a dream team of righteous men.  But they are not enough to save .... only Christ fulfills that roll, and all thanks to Him for doing so.

But as I continued to ponder what I read and the reality God chose to call out Noah, Daniel and Job in scripture, and knowing I will be coming up to Hebrew's hall of faith soon, I thought about how I measure up.  I long to be known for a heart God like David - I sure have the failure part down and hope that God sees a broken and contrite heart that longs for him.  I thought about my desire to be known by others and have it said of me that I was "one who walked with God, was a friend of God".  But as I thought about my desire I had to pause for a quick heart check - what was my motive?  Was it that I could be counted as one who was special in God's eyes?  Was there a tinge of pride about how I would be seen by others?  Or did I desire to have my intimacy with God know so that His love and compassion would be magnified?

I believe it is that latter - not that I want others to speak highly of me, but that my life, the growth others would be seeing in me, the change in who I am would be that of me drawing ever closer to Christ and therefore reflecting Him more brilliantly.  And most of all, I would be seen as one who fully was dependent upon Christ and acknowledging that all I do is thru the gifts He gives me and His power at work in me.  Yes I desire to stand out, but not that I would be seen ... I desire to stand out so that Christ would be seen.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wherever you may go .... Be Encouraged

Last night as I went to sleep I called out to my Father and asked Him to continue to deepen my desire for Him because I want to grow in knowing Him that I may worship Him more fully and enjoy the relationship of being his son which He made possible through the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit - I was given a new heart, redeemed and adopted as His son, given eternal life that is here and now and is ever secure in Him.

What I continually find amazing is that He knew my thoughts and the words I would call out to Him before I did and as I said them He was already answering my heart's cry, as He said He would do in Isaiah 65:24.  This morning when I woke to spend some time reading from the Bible and prayer I found my Father had lined up much encouragement for me to remind me that I am His, He is my perfect sanctuary and shelter, He is my strength and He is my sustainer.  All He asks is for the affections of my heart, that they be turned toward Him .... His promises are sure, the hope I have in Him is firm because He is faithful and able to do what He has said.  It was my choice to spend time with Him that I might receive what He had for me and I am glad I chose to do so.  And I'd be remiss if I didn't take the opportunity to gently encourage you to do the same ... you don't want to miss out on what He has for you!

The first scripture I came across was Psalm 139 - in the first 3 verses God reminded me that He knows me and is acquainted with all my ways.  Then I was in Ezekiel again and in chapter 11, verses 16-20, I was comforted by the truth that He is my sanctuary, He is the restorer of my soul and He has given me a new heart - not of stone, but one that is of flesh .... that I may have a desire for Him.  He has done this and continues to cover me out of His love for me, not because I did anything to deserve His affections toward me.  Only out of His Grace!

And then I was back into more from the book of Psalms - chapter 105, verses 16-36 this time.  In reading thru I was reminded of all that God did for Joseph, no matter where he went, God was with Him.  Through His blessing of Joseph He also provided for His people, even though He knew their hearts would turn from Him again and again.  But He was faithful and continued to make a way for them to return to Him.  I was reminded of His continued mercy and compassion, which is available this day to all who would receive it by turning to Him.  His heart is still full of desire to redeem the lost, to restore the broken and to uplift the downhearted.  Our Father's heart is overflowing with love for all who would respond to Him, to His love that is evident in His Son Jesus Christ, by putting their faith in Chirst alone - He is the hope and salvation for entire world, He is my Savior, my Redeemer and my Lord.

And to top off my morning, not that spending time in God's Word needs any topping off, but in the way God just continues to lavish His Grace upon us so that it is overflowing, I came across a post on By Grace Alone that talked to what it looks like to desire God.  It's not that we are perfect, but it is that we are ever moving toward Him, growing in out understanding of who He is and His love for us.  This knowledge and understanding is that which increases our desire for Him and increases our disdain for sin and unrighteousness.  It was kind of a way of hearing and confirming that God heard me.  He wanted to remind me again, as He often does over and over, to continue to pursue Him - seek Him first, then I will bear the fruit and my desire will continue to grow.

Yes, last night I cried out for a deepening desire for my God.  I remember now that I heard a soft gentle answer .... "Seek me and you will have it".  I recall softly answering back yes and then went to sleep.  How good is our God?  Beyond compare!  My heart is full with love for Him and it is growing even more so this morning.  Thank You Father for hearing my prayer and moving to answer me before I finished uttering the words, thank you for loving me and encouraging me this morning.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Honor the Risen One

Yesterday was Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos.  It is like one of the biggest national holidays here in Mexico.  The focus of this special day (or actually two days) is on honoring and memoralizing the dead - relatives and/or friends that have died, with the belief being that in honoring them they are sustained and helped in passing along in their journey in the afterlife.  There are memorials set up at the cemetaries and in homes, amazing floral displays, sand art murals and candle lit vigils along with special meals and time with family.  There are also parades and costume fare reflecting the spirit world, skeletons walking about and such and I've been told the children participating in trick-or-treat activities has really just  been something that has come into part of the experience in the last 10 years or so.

So with all this activity along comes the tourist related activity - from trips to the cemetary, tours that will take you to a family's house to join with them in their special time of honoring their dead and share in the comida (meals) and then there are also large scale celebration festivities down in the town's square (typically called a Zocolo) - complete with venders sellng their wares, food and drink.  So when I was asked what I was going to do over the holiday - was I going to the cemetary, was I going on a tour to share a special time with a family as they "helped" their loved ones and kept their spirit alive and well, etc., my initial reaction was uh, no.  I say that was my initial reaction and it still is/was my general response to the holiday.  I did end up going over to the local cemetary to look at the beautiful displays.  It turned out not being awkward walking around with families spending time at their loved ones gravesite - first because there were so many people their, familes and touristas.  And second, it wasn't a time of mourning like a funeral - it was really a celebration of the life of the loved ones.  So I was glad I did that.

But the really glad thing I am glad I did was reflect on the holiday, the practice and the point. And in doing so, I thought about how Christ fits in.  I am not taking anything away from remembering and celebrating loved ones, but in the end I see this holiday as being a misguided effort to find peace.  The help needed for what comes after our time here in this life comes to an appointed end is only found in Christ.  It is in His life and death that one should seek peace.  It is His life that is to be celebrated, daily He is to be honored.  And we find hope in His death and more so in His ressurection.  He is Alive - He has paid the price to redeem us and has overcome death.  And in Him, I celebrated (and continue to.)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

To Enter the Rest of the Lord

Yesterday I wrote about Ezekiel's awesome encounter coming before the Lord.  Today, as I continued in Ezekiel I read about what he was called to .... the life of a prophet.  It is not one that outwardly bears the appearance of rest, though I did read in chapter 4 he was called to lay down or actually would be tied down for more than a year.  He was given a heavy burden to call out the sins of those around and warm them to listen, hear and turn from their wickedness and return to the Lord.  If he didn't, he would be held accountable for the sins of the wicked.

God pricked my heart pretty sharply.  How often I think of entering God's rest as only being at peace knowing He is providing for my needs -those needs being things I need for what I want, what is "needed" to sustain "me and my wants".  While this is part of God's rest - providing for my needs, including pouring out abundant blessings and exceeding my expectations and a promise that He will fulfill the desires of my heart, His rest is so much more.  

My heart is pricked when I realize the desires of my heart are often not focussed on Him first and fullly.  In those times I still want that peace and rest, but see clearly how it doesn't line up with how He has promised to fulfill it.  My heart is pricked when I reflect on how often I hear and am slow to act or worse do not act in obedience, not trusting in Him or more concerned with my agenda.  My heart is broken and then I realize that in that moment I am being offered to come into His rest, I am offered Grace.  He has pricked my heart to revive it, to refill and renew it, to give me the rest He has called me to and secured for me.  

It is still my decision to accept it and to walk in it.  I still may be called to outwardly difficult tasks, called to lay down - maybe not literally, but for sure to lay myself aside and I will still find many things to distract me along the way, but if I look to Him I will be able to walk in His rest, with confidence and peace.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My words cannot describe, but The Word does

I started reading Ezekiel this morning and by the time I finished with the first chapter my heart was humbly aware of the Awesomeness of the Lord, a chill of reverant fear and then the warmth of knowing His compassion and faithfulness, trusting in His righteousness.  The words of this first chapter describe Ezekiel's being brought before the Lord - the chapter ends with the only possible response - falling face down in humble worship and reverance.

Here is a paste of the final 3 verses of Ezekiel 1:
"25 Then there came a voice from above the vault over their heads as they stood with lowered wings. 26 Above the vault over their heads was what looked like a throne of lapis lazuli, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. 27 I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. 28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him.

This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking."

The last sentence speaks volumes to me.  Ezekiel was seeing the likeness of the glory of the Lord - a reflection and only a glimpse.  It was brilliance, more brilliant that one can imagine, it was full of awesomeness and power and it was all consuming.  It brought Ezekiel to the ground, face down in worship.  And then he heard from the Lord, when he was stilled and humbly bowed down, full of praise and admiration toward the only One it is due.

The fullness of the Glory of God is beyond my comprehension.  Even the likeness of what Ezekiel saw is beyond my comprehension.  But when I stop and ponder, reflect on the Glory of the Lord that I can grasp, that I have seen, I am left with no other response, but to fall face down, at times literally and others just in my heart.  I am stilled and I am full of peace because of His compassion and grace.  This brings me to my last comment on this closing section of the first chapter .... the rainbow.

The radiance of the Lord was like the brilliance of a perfect rainbow, shining in a stunning and glorious fullness which captivates young and old.  It reflects His glory and His promise of peace and salvation - it offers hope and revives the soul.  How awesome our God is!  He is so much more than we can grasp, but what I can grasp reaches to the core and moves me closer to understanding who He is, how much He deserves my complete worship and His great love for me.  I hear from Him and am called closer, called more completely to obedience and filled with more certainty of the hope I have in Him, certain of the things my words cannot describe, but His Word firmly establishes

Monday, October 31, 2011

Certain Things

As I thought about what I would post this morning, reflecting on what I read this monring during my quiet time of the morning, spending time reading the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit as He spoke insight and wisdom, my heart felt peace and joy.

I started reading thru Lamentations and Hebrews, along with continuing in Psalm and Proverbs.  One truth that continues to wash over me is that so much of what we hold as certain and firm is not.  As I went to sleep last night, I was certain I would wake this morning ... obviously I did, but only by God's Grace.  Lamentations is a book that continues to speak of the sad state the Israelites found themselves in because of their sin - they had the glory of their great position, which was from God, taken and the safety they were sure of was no more.  It wasn't God's desire and scripture is filled with His repeated efforts to warn and turn their hearts back to Him, yet they continued growing in hardness of heart, trusting in their own strength and ignorance, even boasting that they would continue in their sin.

I often see the same today.  I have often seen it in myself.  Trusting in my own strength, going thru a day confident in my own ability or living in a sense of security that is not founded solely in the Grace of God.  That isn't where God wants me to be and it certainly isn't where He deserves my heart to be.  And thankfully, out of His compassion toward me, He has brought me back to where I need to be - certain only in Him.  For the mountains He made, as sturdy and strong as they may seem, will one day be flattened.  All that we could put our trust in here will be vanish and it can happen in an instant.  All that we are left with for security and certainty is Christ and what He has done for all by going to the Cross for our sin.  Tomorrow may not come and if it does, what I may hold securely in, with regards to my own strength, may be flipped on its head.  Only my trusting in Christ is without fail, for He is faithful, He will not fail - He is holding me and my inheritence in Him securely and my heart praises Him.  Whatever else may come, I have peace and confidence I will go thru it with and for Him.

Friday, October 28, 2011

It is Finished, but There is More Yet to Come

When Jesus cried out "It is finished" the work on the Cross and the fulfilment of God's plan for salvation came to be realized. It was no surprise to God, but that moment shook the foundations of the world and has been breaking hardened hearts and chains ever since. Yet there is more to come! One day He will return, what a Glorious Day! And until then there is more that is yet to be done, more that is yet to come. God isn't finished, He hasn't given up .... that fact amazes me! He didn't give up on me and continues to show His amazing Grace and compasssion toward me and He hasn't given up on you and the rest of the world, each day we are given is proof of that - our's is the opportunity to accept and trust in Him and that He won't give up and has more to do and then to trust and follow Him where He leads.

Last Sunday night at the church I have been going to here in Mexico, we sang a familiar song - God of This City, in Spanish. I was singing partly in Spanish and partly in English and fully in tune with the Holy Spirit, affirming the truth of the song and His Lordship. Later I went online so I could get the all of the words in Spanish so maybe next time I could sing it all in Spanish. While looking up the words I came across some posts that gave the backstory for how the song came to be ... Wow! I first saw a clip on YouTube (will post below) and then read some more on it. What an Awesome God we serve! He is still moving, there is more yet to come! I don't want to do an injustice which my retyping most of the story would do so here is just a real high level summary and then you can check out the clip.

The net of it is the song wasn't written it was given in a moment of worship and praise as the band Bluetree was performing on stage. They were on mission in Thailand, singing in a Brothel Bar, in the midst of darkness, shining the Light of Christ and in the middle of their set the song just flowed out. God was moving - saying to them, proclaiming over the people in that bar, that city, that nation and the world that He is King, He is Lord, He is still moving, He hasn't given up, His plans will not be thwarted .... there is more that is yet to come, there is more that is yet to be done! Check out the clip - it is of Chris Tomlin sharing how the song came to be and how it was shared with him to sing.

For some reason, this post has taken a long time to get posted - I think the enemy (and my lacking technology skills) have been working against me getting it completed.  So I just prayed that it would get completed this morning and I will press on, knowing that God is my help, my strength and that His timing is perfect and His plans will not be thwarted.  I hope and pray this is an encouragement and light of hope to you as well.  In closing I want to share Titus 3:3-8 and specifically call out to you that it was His effort, notice what He did for me and you, notice where I was at when He was moving!  I don't take it lightly that I was an enemy of God's when He sent His Son to die for my sins.  And He isn't finished yet - not with His working in me to sanctify me and to lead me to do what is pleasing before Him, not in covering in me and comforting me and bringing me joy and life.  And one glorious day I know He will return .... until then there is more that is yet to come, more that is yet to be done!  As Psalm 100 closes .... The Lord is good, His love endures forever and His faithfulness gcontinues through all generations .... and I will indeed continue to give thanks!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Love Will Win

This morning I read 1 Peter 4:8 - love covers.   I spent time thinking about how love compells and God's perfect love conquers. My thoughts have been winding around some of what I have heard and seen here in Mexico with regards to persecution, what is driving that and how those being persecuted can stand, they can be encouraged and compelled to continue in the call to love others.

I don't know how to measure or rate the intensity of the persecution - no one is being beaten, locked up or dragged and thrown into a fire as other brothers and sisters in Christ are, but as I wrote about briefly in a previous blog, I have definitely seen and heard of Christians experiencing persecution where I am at in Mexico.  It is certainly the closest I have personally been to physical persection.  It has ranged from what happened to German in his town - the others in the town working against him, maligning him and making things difficult in the town and with the local government, even threatening him with punishment for made up charges when he stepped in to protect his young son, all because he and his family are Christians and from there it escalates.  Probably the heaviest I have heard of was actual destruction of property, repetitively as brothers in a small town of 500 were working to start a church.  They were first threatened and the local government refused to sign any of the documents needed to obtain the rights to do contstruction and remodelling for the new church.  Then when they received help from other Christians outside of the village to overcome the roadbloacks put up (and really received help from our God who led them to those that helped) their homes were repeatedly damaged in the night and time and time agains construction material was damaged - for instance one night about $5,000 worth of cement mix was ruined and cabling and wire were cut or stolen.  The 30 or so brothers and sisters living in that small village are continutally treated as outcasts.  The really amazing thing is that the persecution is coming from the Catholic community, or at least it is amazing to me.  They have a daily choice to make - live out their faith, love out their faith or cower back and be silent, or worse respond in kind.

As I pondered what they have been going thru and their responses that I have seen I came across the passage in 1 Peter.  I was also in 2 Timothy this morning, reading thru chapter 4.  God used these passages to remind me that first love covers sin - the greatest love of all covers my sin, all of it and the rest of the world's too, including yours.  We are called to live in love and forgive in love ... recalling Jesus' words on the Cross " Father forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing".    We are also called to live boldly in our love - first for God and then for others.  We can do both these because we know who is standing with us, standing for us, standing before us and behind us.  We know that He will work in and thru all things that His will would be done and for the good of those who love Him.  What a great and simple truth to hold on to - grasp it each day and many times throughout the day and know that when you feel like you can't hold on anymore, He is faithful to hold onto you!

I pray for my brothers and sisters, that they may be strengthened and encouraged - those locally and throughout the world that face perscution in the name of Christ.  I am comforted that they will be comforted, they will be blessed.  I am also encouraged because the Gospel of Christ is active, the Word is bringing what we are promised it will - it is presenting a stumbling block and division, it is drawing a line and requiring a response.  Some may reject and be lead to persecute, struggle and fight against it (being lead by the one that is thrashing his last gasps, but is already defeated) and some will be drawn by Love, be won by Love and will accept the Father's Love that is demonstrated in Christ and being lived out before their eyes by the ones being persecuted.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Of Lions, Tigers and Ducks

I am not sure if you are reading this because that title peaked your interest ... if so, I hope it doesn't dissappoint.  A week or so back the service at the church I have been going to went late - they were ordaining  a new pastor the fellowship and mealtime went later into the night so I was asked if I wanted to stay over, since the buses stopped running and I didn't have another way home.  When my bed was made up I was given two blankets, the first was covered with baby ducks or chicks (pollitos in Spanish) and the second had a really big tiger (tigre) on it.  As we laid the tiger blanket on top of the chicks I thought of the day that is promised to come (Isaiah 11:6-9 or Hosea 2:18) when the Lord will restore fully and bring peace, one in which a tiger really could lay down peacefully with baby ducks.

Well unfortunately that day isn't hear yet, still hoping it may yet come today, but it is in the Lord's timing.  In the meantime we live in a fallen world that has wars, not peace.  There is evil and wickedness done, there is pain and sadness, there is greed that is fueld by selfishness - placing personal gain and overindulgence above and beyond the compassion and valuing that others deserve.

As a follower of Christ, I have been called out of darkness and redeemend into His kingdom, one that is a kingdom of light.  Yet I still live in the world, yet as an ambassador of His light, His love and mercies.  I have peace that I can bring to a world filled with unrest.  Many times that peace will not be accepted and it is promised to bring conflict, as Truth does with things that are not true.  I'll get into some of that conflict in another post, but for now we can recognize where it comes from and what we are called to do and that is simply to follow our Savior, His leading and trust in Him.  He is my Rock and Refuge (Psalm 94:22).  May He receive all the Glory.

And in case you were wondering, I had a really peaceful nights sleep as I lay down with the ducks and the tiger, knowing The Lion of Judah was watching over me.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Faith, Fear and Flames

I wrote the other day about the certainty of an appointed time for all man and the uncertainty of that time for all except God.  Yesterday I came across a post on another blog that ties in with what I have been reading in Jeremiah and the certainty of a day of judgement that is coming.  The blog is Fire and Hammer and the post was a morning devotion on Malachi 3:2 by Chalres Spurgeon.

Malachi 3:2 simply asks "Who may abide the day of His coming?"  This is speaking of when Christ will return and should cull fear in all who are apart from Christ.  Reading thru it strengthened my fear and awe of God and thankfulness that I will abide and be found thriving in that day for my hope and salvation rests in Christ alone.   But for those who have not received the gift of His salvation, Spurgeon goes on to question how they can even stand thinking of that day .... and I think the truth is they can't and that is proved out in the rejection of the truth of God's word, shown in the pride and stubborness of the hearts of men who reject the Truth - they can't and won't face it.  But that doesn't change the fact that the day will indeed come.

I also read thru chapter 36 in Jeremiah.  Thru this chapter God continued to speak the truth of a coming day of wrath and judgement, but also of His continued desire to show compassion and bring healing.  In verse 3 He asks, will they not fear me and turn from their wickedness, I will forgive them and heal them.  I don't know to the extent that they heared and turned from wickedness, but some did hear and were struck with fear - see verse 16, but when the message was brought to the king it was rejected entirely as he cut up the scroll and threw it in a fire as quickly as he  read it.  How sad?  Here was a message of love, an offer of forgiveness and healing, a message of mercy and grace being poured out by God.   Here where God's foretold wrath is more than just, God is offering to take those practicing wickedness and heal them and forgive them and bless them.  Yet this message is flat out rejected.

This story is played out over and over each day when someone rejects the Gospel, when someone turns from what is right to practice evil, as if God doesn't see or that it is ok - they are above and beyond the reach of God.  Rejecting God is played out when we sin, period.  Yet He continues to show mercy and grace - He sent His Son because of our rejecting Him, He sent Christ to die for our sins when we were His enemy.

All who have trusted in Christ have been saved from the wrath of God and given the Righteousness of Christ that fully replaces the stains of our sin.  We are in the process, God's process of being sanctified and need to continue to encourage one another, spurring each other on toward good deeds and walking in the manner that is worthy of our calling to holiness.  We need to be prepared and diligent in sharing with others, what awaits all who are apart from God and and the hope that is in Christ, the message of His Grace that was poured out at Calvary, flowing with His blood that cleanses completely.

Some may hear, fear God for they see Him for who He is and how desparate we are without Christ and turn to Him for the forgiveness and healing He offers.  For those that do place their turst in Christ that flames of fire are only for our refining.  For those that do not accept the message, but choose instead to ignore, I fear for them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Without A Moments Notice

The title of this post, unlike others, carries a serious message.  Life here on earth can change in less than a moment, without notice.  The end will come and often without notice, but it will come.  Change happens, struggles and trials that are unexpected or unforseen come upon us and all in a moment or less.  We can prepare, as best we can, but there truly is only one preparation that will truly suffice all instances, and especially that of death.  

To be fully prepared one must come to terms with their creator, on His terms, not our own.  Once this is done, you will be fully prepared for whatever may come in life, even for death, which may happen without notice (besides the notice that it will indeed happen one day.)  With the preparation of getting right with God, or so the saying goes, you can have a perfect peace that surpasses all understanding .... like how can someone be at peace when their life seems turned upsided down.  The only way someone can be   at peace in a situation like that is to know that God has it all under control. And trust me, knowing He has it under control is a lot better than me pretending that I have it under control.

The other day I read another blog which really drove the point home.  It was about the sudden death of a race car driver.  The driver, Dan Wheldon, was one of 15 drivers that were involved in an accident that unfolded at 220 mph ... at that speed things can happen without a moments notice and in this case it was the tragic loss of life.  He left a wife and two young children behind.  I really don't know much of anything about him, but I am sure he didn't wake up that morning thinking it would be his last day.  I am sure he knew of the risks of his profession, but even with that we tend to live out our days with a confidence that tomorrow will come and even if we realize death is a certainty, we put it far off.

The reality is none of us know our day, only God does.  But if we are trusting in Him and His plans, that should be good enough.  We should live out our days, ready for the future, but living for today as if it is the day that will be our last.  That means take care of the things that need to be taken care of ... today is the day of ssalvation for tomorrow may not come!  Live out of the love you have been given, and we all have been given much love by our Father in Heaven, who loves us so much He sent Jesus to redeem us!  Love the ones the God has placed in your life, even if they are just a brief acquaintence .... for in reality, when eternity is conisdered, all of our relationships are but for a moment.  Show mercy and kindness, use the gifts given to you to help the needy, with your time and money .... for you can't take either with you.  And encourage one another likewise, building up not tearing down.  Be ready, and share what has been freely given to you so that others will be ready as well.

Another blog I ready this morning doubly reinforced this point ..... it was about about another death from a car accident.  This one wasn't in a race with cars going 220 mph, but in a restored model T Ford, going much slower for sure.  I don't know the details, but the driver ran off the road and into a ditch and was killed.  So going fast or playing it careful and driving slowly doesn't matter (not saying you should drive fast and recklessly).  Be prepared ... life will change, that is a certainty .... I hope it continues to change for the better for you, but know there changes coming and some of those include heavy trials and difficult times.  And death is a certainty, 100% of all living people will one day see the end of their days on the earth.  But regardless of what changes may come or how fast they come, you can have a perfect peace thru Christ.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I know the Plans He Knows for Me ... Hope and a Future

My daily reading this morning brought me to one of my favorite verses .... Jeremiah 29:11.  Even as I typed that verse, the sunlight coming in thru my window seemed to intensify 100x, moments before it was cold and grey (ok, 66 degrees is a cold morning in Mexico!)  God You are so good to me!  You indeed bring me hope with the comforting words found in Jeremiah 29:11.

What a wonderful truth to hold tightly to.  You have plans for me.  The truth revealed in that very thought in and of itself is huge!  It means You have taken notice of me, You know me and You have made plans for me.  And it only gets better from there!  Your plans are not for my harm or destruction, but instead they are for my good, to prosper me, to give me hope and a future!  And that future includes You (it wouldn't be very hopeful or bright with out You!)

As I go thru this day and all my days may I always be drawing ever more near to You.  Thank You that You have affirmed that You will be with me, have a desire and affection toward me that was demonstrated in the love shown when You sent Jesus to pay for my sin, thank You for the compassion and mercy You continue to shower me with.  I am grateful that You have taken hold of me and are continuing to work in me that Your perfect plans for me will indeed secure my hope and my future.  My confidence is in only You.

For any that do not have this great comfort and hope, I pray you would read on, for in Jeremiah 29:13 God promises that if you seek Him, honestly and earnestly seek Him, you will find Him and the hope He offers to You.  And this hope and confidence is available 24x7, whether the sun is shining or the storm billows roll He is the One over all.  He brings the rain to quench a dry and thirsty land, but at the prefect moment He is the One who whispers be still and brings a perfect calm.  And what a wonderful reminder we have of His faithfulness when we glimpse the glory of a rainbow shining bright.  So thru it all His promise stands true - no matter the circumstances we face, He is always there, calling us to call out to Him.  I choose to do so and live in the peace of knowing He has already answered and provided for all I need and pray you choose to do so as well.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Why Read the Bible?

This morning, after I spent some time in the Word, I went off to town for an inter-cambio, an interchange of conversation with somone, or is my case two others, who are interested in practicing their english with someone who is interested in practicing the language they are working on learning, in my case mi espanol.  This was my first time participating in one so I was very interested to see where the conversations would head to.

The two individuals I sat down with were two university students, un hombre (a man) and una mujer (a woman), both in their mid twenties.  We would spend the first hour talking only in spanish and then the second hour in english.  Since my spanish isn't too good (my english isn't really much better) we started off slow, but I was encouraged by the fact that the conversation was moving forward - they were understanding what I was saying and I was getting what they were saying.  Toward the end of our time talking time in spanish the topic of religion came up, or more specifically my beliefs since I had answered a question about books that I have read and at the top of the list was La Biblia (the Bible ... sorry, I have to take the lay up shots when I can to practice my spanish.)  As I spoke about my faith we circled back to the my reading the Bible and I was asked by the guy why.

I thought that was a great question.  I believe it was a sincere question, not one flippantly thrown out as a jab, like why waste your time doing that?!?  I spoke briefly about why I read it, but not as strongly as I would have liked to given my spanish isn't all that bueno (good).  I did mention that it is God's Word and some other thoughts, but then the conversation moved into a discussion about the Catholic Church, other denominations and the difference between religion and man's rules versus a relationship with God.  Thankfully as the conversation got deeper we moved into speaking english as their english was definitely better than my spanish so I am sure they were able to get more out of the conversation with me speaking in english.  In either case, I was trusting in the Holy Spirit to get His message (mensaje) across.

So as I sit here typing this, my prayer is for the two I met with this morning.  First, that they indeed did hear and receive what God intended them to hear and that I will have the opportunity for more conversation with them next week (the intercambios are held each Saturday morning) and get to build a deeper relationship with the guy who threw the question out.  Second, it is for myself, and others who spend time in the Word regularly and for those that don't that happen along here ... that we would be ever in awe of the fact that we are blessed to be able to hear from God, His very Word each time we open and read the Bible, that it is His perfect and true, inmutable Word - the fact that it is God's Word, it leads me, giving light to my path, instructs, it is Truth and gives hope and life, speaks of His mercy and great love for me, offers Grace and shows me Christ, my Savior.  My prayer is that I would not take it for granted and I would be ever prepared with a ready response as to why I read it.

Thank You Father for Your Word and all that it is to me .... the above is way to short of a list!  May Your Word continue to work in me, sanctifying me and renewing my mind.  As You shape me with it, as You build me up with the knowledge and wisdom contained in it and as You equip me for the work You prepared me for and lead me in, may my actions and thoughts be ever pleasing to You.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Agua De Una Roca

I continue to be amazed at how God works.  His ways are so way above and beyond my understanding!  I am just filled with gladness that He has compassion toward me and continues to show me His mercy and grace.  Today, as I was preparing a Sunday school lesson that I have the privelege of teaching I found myself being led to deeper insights into the way God is at work in our lives - a glimpse into some of the ways the tapestry is being put together and how I am so often wrapped up in the here and now, I easily forget there is indeed a bigger picture.  And all of this wouldn't be happening if I weren't teaching this Sunday school lesson and that wouldn't be happening if I hadn't come to Mexico to live and love out a walk with God here, his leading.

Since arriving I have been blessed with God leading me to a couple brothers in Christ.  One is Germano - I wrote about him the other day and yesterday we spoke again and I found out that all is well with him, all thanks to God.  There is more to the story, but I will save it for another post.  Another brother is my spanish teacher, Manuel.  He is the one who asked me to help out in his church and that is what led me to what God wanted me to learn today.

So the passage I will be teaching on is Exodus 17:5-6 .... how God provided for the Israelites, even though they were at it again, grumbling and complaining, this time about being thirsty.  God told Moses to strike a rock and He would make water pour out from a rock.  Moses obeyed and struck the rock and like God said, water came out to quench their thirst.  Well this wasn't the last time the Israelites would grumble and more specifically not the last time they would grumble about their thirst and question why the left the "comfort and provisions of their captivity"  (side note to self: ouch!).  The second time around didn't go so smoothly for Moses.  God told Moses to take his staff, go to the rock and speak to it and water would come out. 

I wasn't there and scripture is pretty net on how it all went down, but it is pretty clear in Numbers 20:11 that Moses didn't exactly follow God's command as he struck the rock, like the first time, instead of speaking to it as commanded.  And since that didn't work, as no water poured out, he struck it again!  After the second blow water did come out, the people were happy, maybe Moses was relieved, but God wasn't too pleased.

I honestly have to say I've struggled a time or two with what would follow.  Because of Moses's disobedience God told him he would not enter the promise land.  This is the land that Moses was leading the Israelites to.  He had to wait 40 years, wandering in the dessert with a bunch that was quick to turn their eyes back to captivity, to make idols for themselves and whose grumbling and complaining brought about this situation to begin with.  Now Moses would not get to enter the promise land!  I think I've stopped short of crying foul or saying aloud that this punishment sure seemed harsh, but I have to say the thought entered my mind.  

But not today.  It seems more clear to me, more understandable from a couple of points.  I read up on a couple commentaries and several gave a good perspective on how the rock stood for Christ and how in the first encounter the Rock poured forth water, but it took a strike to bring it forth.  The second time around was just to come from a spoken word, yet Moses struck the rock, not once, but twice, as if to say what the Rock bore the first time around didn't accomplish the task and there needed to be more punishment ... this of course implying that the work to be done on the Cross would be insufficient.  Maybe God intended the second experience to have living water pour forth with a shout, reference to Christ' second coming.  Interesting perspective on the severity of Moses' disobedience.  In truth, all of our disobediene flies in the face of the work of Christ on the Cross, yet we find Grace when we turn to Him.

More of my own insights .... he messed up, Moses didn't follow God's instructions.  Maybe this was a time where that little  bit of Moses left in Moses was to be pruned and refined, maybe it was quick for him or maybe it took some time of wrestling after he got the news, but I believe in the end he was good with it since it ultimately would bring him closer to who God intended him to be.  And when we look at it from that perspective missing out on the promise land is a pretty good trade, maybe didn't feel like it at the time ... at least discipline and pruning for me hasn't felt good from my own personal experiences, at least not at first.  

Maybe God wanted to set an example for the other leaders and those being shepherded.  Here is Moses being broken and stripped of the privelage of entereing the promise land for not following God's instructions.  If this could happen to Moses, think what could happen to them ... it's time to ship up, get tight, pay attention and stay in formation ... which we know from reading ahead wouldn't come to pass.  How about in our own lives, are we getting it?  

And then finally maybe God intended this to be a teaching opportunity for you and me.  I know it has been for me.  I need to pay attention, be quick to follow His leading and instructions, to take God at His Word, not to put myself in the mix by doing what I think would be best, and when I do to stop quickly, repent and seek His forgiveness and leading instead of doubling down on my own efforts.  I've also grown in my understanding that God is just - what He did was right no matter why He did it.  And this last point is really the most important of all.  

It doesn't matter why He did it.  He did it and we can rest in the fact that it was right and just because of who He is and know that His intentions were pure and He acted out of love, you don't need to go any further than the cool refreshing Living Water that pours from our Rock to be assured of that.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's by His Grace .... it's in His Power ... it's for His Glory

This morning I started reading 2 Thessalonians, I read chapter 1 and I found myself resting in two precious truths.  The first is the blessed assurance of that day to come, when my Lord returns - to be praised, marveled at, admired and glorified by all who have believed and called upon the Lord to be saved.

I love days when I grasp the truth that He is returning!  Or better said, when this truth really grasps me and takes hold of me.  I try to make them many, but honestly find myslef more temporaly focussed, living in the here and now and maybe at best with a touch of eternity.  But what a joy it is when I go thru a day or at least a part of it living with great expectation and hope that all this is indeed just a glimpse, there is a day coming, maybe today :)!  

But if not today or tomorrow, I know that there is more to life than just living out my days.  This is a time that is ordained by God in which He is actively sanctifiying me, equipping me and empowering me to fulfill all my desires of goodness, all that is pleasing to Him and all that is for the work that He desires to accomplish in me and through me.  This is the second truth I found myself resting in.  It is in and thru Him, His power that is at work in me and for me ... it is not in my strength.  I love to plan to do good things, but when I try to do them in my own strength I know I am going to come up short and get burnt out along the way.  Yet when my focus is on Christ and I am crying out to Him for His leading and strengthening, I will be filled and He will fullfill all my desires for goodness, those He has given me, and the acts prompted by the faith  He has given to me.

My prayer for today is that He would increase my faith, lead me and empower me to act on the desires He has set on my heart and that He would receive the glory.  And with that prayer answered I know that I will live in the joy of the Lord, whether today is that day or not.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Can You Hear, He is Calling Out, Crying Out .... Listen

This morning I could be feeling a bit discouraged and saddened, God is crying out from His heart and it is at times hard to hear, hard to take.  He is speaking in love, in truth and in words that prick my heart as I listen to His.

I am continuing to read thru Bible in one year and am currently in Jeremiah, 1 Thessalonians, and going thru the book of Psalms and Proverbs. The Jeremiahs passage for today is 16:16 thru 18:23 and God continues to offer warnings of turning away and the blessings that He offers to those who walkin trusting in Him.   He lays out very directly He is God alone and to be worshipped, yet the people (all of us) turn and reject Him, after hearing.  How sad, to be offered a blessing and yet turn from it, I can't imagine how that must make Him feel, I know how it would make me feel .... how unloving and hurtful, yet that is what our sin says to God. 1 Thessalonians 4:8 nails it ... whoever rejects the instructions of God rejects Him .... we are called to be holy, set apart to live for God, worship Him alone and trust and obey, yet in our actions and motives that are not toward Him we turn and reject that calling.  The passage is talking about sexual imorality and self control, but this is just one way of living an impure life not worthy of the call to be holy.  We are called to live a life that reflects our love for God (obedience) and to live a life of love toward others (a love that flows out of God's love toward us and our gratitude of the grace shown us.)

I next read Paslm 81 which ends with God again crying out ... if my people would only listen to me, He cries out "Hear me my people, I will warn you", but they didn't listen and so often we (I) don't.  He is offering to warn us, guide us to safety and to feed us, supplying our physical as well as our spiritual daily bread, to quench our thirst with the Living Water, to satisfy all of our needs and desires.  Yet we settle for so much less and in the process act with indifference or arogance toward our very Creator, toward our loving Father.  When we hear Him call out warning us, do we respond with a thankful heart and turn to safety or dow we foolishly continue to chase the empty promises of our lust that lure us away?  Do we continue to walk in the stubborness of our pride and self righteousness?  When we hear Him calling us to sit and spend time with Him, to we respond by saying we are too busy?  When we hear Him call to us to walk in love - sharing, caring and meeting the needs of others, physical and spiritual, do we selfishly keep what we have been freely given, concerned in our own ability or worry about taking care of our selves first or do we respond and follow His leading and trust in Him to work thru and for us?

In closing I go back toward the beginning of Jeremiah, chapter 3:19 - God desires to treat us as His children, children of a perfect loving Father.  He offers to give us a desirable land, a future with a rich inheritence in Him and in fact has secured this for us in Christ .... and this desire of His is for all to receive that would come to Him.  My prayer for myself and for all who read this is that we would hear and respond.  For those that have yet to trust in Christ's work - His death and ressurection on the Cross of Calvary, I pray that you would accept what is freely being offered, but know that it requires something of you - that is your trusting in Him and let me tell you He is indeed trustworthy!  I am glad to share more with anyone that reads this and wants to know more, just email me or post a comment or you cancheck out the following link (to be posted).  

For those of us that have heard Him call our name and turned to Him for true foregiveness and cleansing of our sin, I pray you respond when you hear Him - His warnings, His calling you to act in love and to trust in Him to work thru you and meet your needs, His calling you to sit a while and be refreshed, to be led by the cool waters and rest on the green grass, to be filled with bread of life and drink the living water to have your thirst quenched.  May the Grace of God cover you and flow thru you, it is truly something to  marveled in today and all the rest of our tomorrows and for that reason, I am not saddened but am expectant ... I hear Him and am choosing to respond by turning to Him for His leading, abandoning again myself and abiding where His Grace abounds!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blameless and Holy in the Presence of Our God and Father

This morning I have been enjoying a refreshing cool dawn with a warm up of coffee and my Daily Bread that is nourishing and renewing my spirit.  I am grateful to my Lord, for He is faithful to meet with me, inviting me to walk with Him and enjoy His leading, His good and perfect will for me in this day and my life .... it is my choice and a great loss when I find myself wandering toward things that distance and separate me from Him, even those things that may appear good, yet are being pursued in my own strength.

I daily have a choice to make.  The need for time in prayer and the Word, that I may petition the Lord to strengthen and fill me that I may be filled to the fullness of His grace, able to bear fruit in all seasons and cirumstances and get armored up and prepared for the battles that will come, being reminded that the battle and the war belong to the Lord, He is already victorios, yet the battle is still real and our enemy is still active.  Even this morning the hater of my soul would seek to draw me away from this time with the Lord, but thanks be to God and the work of the Spirit in me, I am being strengthened and able to stand or better yet, kneel and worship my Lord, rest in His great protection and be filled with wisdom and grace that I may walk into the day with joy and peace and love overflowing.

It is not me, it is in Christ alone.  As I read in 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13, my prayer is that I would ever grow in understanding that it is the Lord that will make my love increase, He is the one that will strengthen my heart so that I will be found blameless and holy in the presence of my God and Father - it is His work in me, not mine .... mine is only to submit to Him and even then, it is not a real work of my own but of His loving affections toward me that call me to Him, His faithfulness that has shown me I can trust Him and His renewing of my mind that I would not continue in utter foolishness and go my own way, He strengthens me and opens my eyes with Truth, gives me discernment that I would not be deceived and so much more ... all to His praise and glory!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Help me God, my Savior, for the Glory of Your Name

I am continuing my reading in Jeremiah, started in Chapter 12 today which led off with Jeremiah proclaiming God's righteousnes ... He is always righteous.  That is enough right there for me - He is always righteous, that truth alone should humble us pretty quickly, I know it does me.  For He is always righteous and the corrolary or flip side to that truth is that I am not, except and only for the righteousness I have only because Christ is in me.

Yet many, including myself, are quick to look at others and point out their shortcomings, maybe even prone to judge their unrighteousness and quick to look past our own.  The 2nd verse really pricked at my heart, specifically the second part - You are always on their lips, but far from their hearts.  This verse is speaking of the wicked, those that seem to be thriving, planted and bearing fruit, though not the fruit of righteousness.  The wicked even have God on their lips - some maybe to curse or use His name in vein, but some call out and even praise, while at other times, cry out to Him for help, but continue to walk far off from Him, in disobedience, seeking the pleasures of their lustful ways.

I continue to be amazed at how foolish God's chosen have been, they have seen the Lord's blessings, they have heard the prophets call and seen the prophecies come to be, the rise of the wicked, the fall of those far off from God, the warnings they ignored .... and I continue to be amazed at how I was the same way and in fear that I could be again if I am not continually yielding myself to Him, walking in obedience and trusting Him.  And so my prayer this morning is a cry for help, that my God would save me this day from having to walk thru the consequences of my foolishness, my unrighteousness because I don't want to experience the sadness and pain that would come from it, I don't want to bring it to others and least of all, I don't want to sadden my Lord - I want to live for His Glory!  So I ask Him to search my heart, to continue to strip away what remains of me and lead me in the path of righteousness.  And may His name be on my lips and even more so may He be near to my heart, may He have all of it and may I be bearing the fruit of His righteousness.