Friday, October 7, 2011

Another Day Another Opportunity to be Amazed at Our Awesome God

So my journey, my soujourn that I am on has me living in Mexico, relearning to speak Spanish and continuing to learn how awesome our God is and how awesome it is to live each day relying on Him, living to glorify Him. I am going to be dropping in some posts here and there about some of the experiences I have had the opportunity to walk thru and hopefully get to share the joy I have had in seeing God work - how easily they could be missed, but when walking in step with Him, He has been so gracious to call them to my attention.

I have been doing some volunteering with a couple of organizations that work with children and adults to teach english, help with schoolwork for the children and life skills, helping with small business management.  The last two weeks I have had the opportunity to build a relationship with a brother in Christ in a small village that is mostly native indians and Catholic.  His children have been coming to learn english and he asked if I would work with him as well.  He doesn't speak much english, but wants to learn and we have had a good time sharing - some in broken english and some in my broken spanish, but it's been working and I believe the Holy Spirit has been working a little overtime to make sure we get the important parts communicated.

Yesterday when  I saw him and asked how he was doing he said the usual bien for well.  But something, or more specifically the Spirit, prompted me to press more about how he was doing and then his countenance changed and he poured out about the tough day he has been having.  It turns out that the day before there was a big comition in town, with him at the center  of it.  He told me what was going on ....

He had gone to pick up his son from school and on the first pass, I heard he saw a boy kick his son and that he went and stopped it.  I was hearing concern, but knew I wasn't getting the full story.  Fortunately this day my spanish teacher, also a Chrisitan, had asked to come along with me to see what I was up to in this village, so I called him over.  He got the real detail after a quick introduction.  What happened was that he saw there were several older boys kicking and hitting him so he did what any dad would do and jumped in and pulled them off and protected his son.  As the day progressed the events of the afternoon began to gain a life of their own and other villagers were now saying that my friend overreacted and was assaulting the other boys.  He was going to have to go before the town counsel and may end up facing charges and he believes this is mostly because he is a Christian.  He was definetly shaken by the events and was fearful of the outcome and how he was being viewed.  We were able to sit with him, pray with him and encourage him - remiding him that God was in control, God was his protector and that God would give him wisdom to walk thru this time.  He was greatly encouraged and I pray that he will be even more so as we walk thru the events yet to be seen in this trial, trusting in our awesome God and watching Him work this out for His glory.  I pray that many in the town will  see his faith shine, his deeds be seen for what they were and the righteousness of our God upon him shine like the noon day sun.

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